July 2, 2020 By OverMind 0

“Those who Know” – video game – open Beta starting soon

Some of you know that the comic book series and a video game are being created at the same time. (The video game started many years before the comic book, but took a few rewrites to get right). After the July 4th holiday, we are going to open the game up to a public beta (ToDo: figure out how to block spammers from website, so that people can post feedback online).

The video game occurs after the events of the previous game “First, Atoll Saves the earth” and the comic book series is events that occurred 20-30 years before the video game, but being recalled by the game’s main character after the end of the game (ToDo: make a timeline of when all these events happened and how they all fit together. (In some way or other, everything so far posted fits into this timeline)).

Technical Details

The game works on PC and can either be played with Xbox style controller (preferred) or Keyboard+Mouse. The current Beta runs on Windows 8 32 bit, but later versions will only run on Windows 10.

It will be posted as a link to limited time download with each revision of the BETA. Expect to post an updated BETA about once a week. The XBOX beta is also in the works, but is a bit more involved to setup so will probably be a month or so later.