Yes, We are the reasons for each other
Collected Songs of: Go, Team Hypnotic and MachineFirst
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“Go, Team Hypnotic” is remembered as part of the early 2000’s Williamsburg /Bushwick Brooklyn rock folks scene, but it’s roots extend back to Riverhead, Long Island were kindred friends spent their summers writing songs and trying to capture the beauty that was all around them. Although the released albums were solo recordings, these songs spent many summers played around the camp fires, in basements, in dorm rooms.
In Brooklyn, H. Stevens was introduced to Chris E. and they became fast friends and regulars in the Brooklyn folk and Art circuit. As the duo was preparing for their first studio album, tragedy struck with the passing of H. Steven’s father and a month later of Chris E. The tone of the record shifted for H. Stevens, and several songs replaced the planned recording (the unrecorded, originally intended songs are included in this collection). With the matchbook with a single remaining match and the title “Don’t go dark!” on the matchbox cover, it was the first and final studio record from “GO, Team Hypnotic”.
After a several year break, with other musical projects, H. Stevens restarted the project as “MachineFirst”,. The first record “Flawed” had a very different sound, owing to his day job requiring monthly travel between America and Europe, thus limiting instrument and recording equipment to those that could fit in carry on luggage. The drum machine and bass-oriented sound was a result of the Ashbory bass and rum machine fitting in carry-on. .
“The Sabbath Diane” was another reflection on the passing of friends and how they good they brought to our live continues on.
“Sometimes in Majestic Twilight” is really just about how wonderful St. Thomas is. You really should go. Get this book and take it with you.